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List of articles of Higashikawa

Higashikawa Michikusa-kan

They offer complete tourist information, pamphlets, and more.

Hagoromo Waterfall

The falls of the river here is No.1 of Hokkaido.

Shikishima Waterfall

The Chubetsu River is said to be the Niagara of the East because of its width and sudden drops.

Kitoushi Forset Park

It is in the vast natural park around the mountain mountain.

Asahidake Ski Area

Every year it is open until the end of the Golden Week.

Higashikawa Folk Museum

In addition to the tram which ran in the past, folk materials and old farm equipment are exhibited.

Higashikawa Communication Center

Facilities installed to promote regional promotion, wide area tourism and welfare.

Daisetsuzan Asahidake Ropeway

The highest peak in Hokkaido "Asahi-dake", connect 1,600 m from Asahidake Onsen at 1,100 m altitude.

Asahidake Visitor Center

Mountain-climbing of Asahidake · Information on nature is here first.


The highest peak in Hokkaido, altitude 2,291 m. Abundant variety of alpine plants.

Asahidake Onsen

A hot spring located at the foot of the main peak of Daisetsuzan "Asahidake".

Daisetsu Yusui Park

A park where you can feel the blessing of underground water from Mt.Daisetsuyama system.

Tenninkyo Onsen

It is in Daisetsuzan National Park, and you can see the stone rocks (columnar joint) as close as possible.

Sugatami Pond

It is a pond in the flower garden spreading on the ropeway "Sugatami-eki" station, Asahidake line 5th station.

Bus stop”Asahidake”

Shuttle bus "Ideyugo" from Asahikawa station,through the Asahikawa Airport.

Daisetsuzan National Park

The national park in the center of Hokkaido.

Displays 1〜16 of the 16 in order