Japan's greatest fresh water fish aquarium that can teach you everything about the salmon family. In this valuable aquarium you can observe the laying of eggs of salmon going up river from the glass at the river bottom.
About 10 minutes by car from the airport. 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Adults:800yen High school students:500yen Junior high school students:300yen Hanazono 2 chome 312
113 889 555
* Business days and hours are subject to change due to the influence of Novel Cornavirus (COVID-19).
Japan's greatest fresh water fish aquarium that can teach you everything about the salmon family. In this valuable aquarium you can observe the laying of eggs of salmon going up river from the glass at the river bottom.
About 10 minutes by car from the airport.
9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Adults:800yen High school students:500yen Junior high school students:300yen
Hanazono 2 chome 312